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Trusting Him in the Darkness

Trusting Him in the Darkness

Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in You.
Show me the way I should go,
for to You I entrust my life.

- Psalm 143:8

Sometimes when we reach the lowest points in our lives we feel there is no where else to turn.

 In the darkness of hard times it is a good thing to have no where else to look but up.

 I believe that God orchestrates many of life challenges to be this way. He divinely allows every moment in our lives--that which is good, and also that which is bad, to refine us. The refiners fire is fit for all of us and though painful at times, in the end it is a blessing to endure.

Can I share with you that in our early years that God used our marriage to bring me to my knees? Did you know that God can tear down a weak foundation and build it strong for His glory? But first the "tearing down" process must happen before the new can begin. He used two sinners in a weak marriage to bring me to my lowest point. 

The result? I had no where to turn but to look up...and I actually got saved in the process. 

And there was also that time when I was a young mom and suffered through the loss of a child through miscarriage--  He was there to comfort me. His precious Word and steadfast presence were a balm to my soul when nothing else could take the hurt away.

Because it can be a good place to have no where else to turn. He wants you to turn to Him
This past week has been a roller coaster ride for our family--we did not close on our house, we did not move, we are living somewhat out of boxes and then out of the blue, I found out rather unexpectedly that my grandmother died. 

Yes, there is pain and sadness. But in the end God does not change. He is still God and He is still good. Nothing about Him changes even when our circumstances change.  

 God loves you♥

The Lord, in His goodness, gave me this verse:

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away--blessed be the name of the Lord. - Job 1:21

As hard as it can be at times, we need to bless His name through it all. He needs to be glorified through the mess, the hard times, through the pain of our circumstances. 

And interestingly, hardships and trials expose what is really in our heart. Do I have little faith? Do I doubt?  Can we really trust God with the outcome of our lives? 

He is still good, through it all, my friends...and He won't forsake you. 

We can trust Him with the outcome.  

Even in the darkness.  

Through the heartbreak and tears. 

Because He loves us. 

And He is faithful.  Amen? 
Author unknown
but this issue has touched my life., because is a real true story. It is my prayer that is a blessing for you too! BlessingPastor Xenia Alvarez  


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