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Showing posts from May, 2015

7 keys to life

7 keys to life

A Prayer For When You're Feeling Weak

A Prayer For When You're Feeling Weak I hate weakness. I don't like to feel inadequate or incapable. I don't like being dependent on others. I don't like not knowing what's going to happen. I don't like feeling helpless in the face of a trial. I don't like feeling spent and overwhelmed. I don't like it when I am physically weak, emotionally weak, mentally weak, or spiritually weak.

5 Ways to Stop Discouragement from Getting the Best of You

5 Ways to Stop Discouragement from Getting the Best of You Leslie VerFirst, let’s look at four reasons why we get discouraged and disappointed. Job felt  discouraged with his wife and friends . They didn’t get it. In the midst of his suffering and questioning God, they tried to be helpful, but they ended up heaping more shame and blame on Job for his afflictions. We, too, can feel let down by our friends and family.