Worship: The One Who Sees Me Gwen Smith Gwen's Website Have you ever felt lonely, scared, angry, confused and hurt all at the same time? Ever felt like running away from a difficult situation? I have. There was a time, several years ago, when I wanted to run – hard and fast – from life as I knew it. I had just birthed three babies in three and a half years. Then, to everybody’s surprise – especially mine – my husband got a promotion that moved our young family across the country to a place where we knew no one. I had two babies in diapers and one “big boy” struggling to say goodbye to his binky. There was always a diaper to change, a mouth to feed or a mess to clean up. My days were a blur and my emotions were overloaded. In my mind, I knew I wasn’t alone – but in my heart, I felt like I was. God knew exactly where I was.
WOMEN OF EXCELLENCE... women ministering to women